
Example extension implementing a time-weighted average price oracle


This example allows for the computation of the TWAP of a pool. It does so by storing an accumulator of time * tick for every second of the pool's lifetime. By taking the difference of two different snapshot values of the accumulator, you can compute the average tick over the period by dividing out the time between them. This will give you the geometric mean price over that period.

This extension is a pared down un-optimized version for example purposes only. It is not well tested nor is it complete. It should not be used in production.

use ekubo::interfaces::core::{ICoreDispatcherTrait};
use ekubo::types::keys::{PoolKey, PositionKey};
use ekubo::types::i129::{i129};
use ekubo::types::bounds::{Bounds};
use traits::{TryInto, Into};
use option::{OptionTrait};
use starknet::{StorePacking};
use integer::{u256_safe_divmod, u256_as_non_zero};

// 192 bits total, can be packed in a single felt using StorePacking
#[derive(Copy, Drop, starknet::Store)]
struct PoolState {
    // 64 bits
    block_timestamp_last: u64,
    // this value can fit in 96 bits
    // because the max tick is 88722883 which fits in 32 bits w/ the sign,
    // and block timestamps (by which the tick is multiplied) are 64 bits
    tick_cumulative_last: i129,

trait IOracle<TStorage> {
    // Returns the cumulative tick value for a given pool, in order to compute a geomean TWAP
    fn get_tick_cumulative(self: @TStorage, pool_key: PoolKey) -> i129;

mod Oracle {
    use super::{IOracle, PoolKey, PositionKey, PoolState};
    use ekubo::types::call_points::{CallPoints};
    use ekubo::types::bounds::{Bounds};
    use ekubo::types::i129::{i129};
    use ekubo::interfaces::core::{
        ICoreDispatcher, ICoreDispatcherTrait, IExtension, SwapParameters, UpdatePositionParameters,
    use starknet::{ContractAddress, get_block_timestamp, get_caller_address};
    use zeroable::{Zeroable};
    use traits::{Into, TryInto};
    use option::{OptionTrait};

    struct Storage {
        core: ICoreDispatcher,
        pool_state: LegacyMap<PoolKey, PoolState>,

    fn constructor(ref self: ContractState, core: ICoreDispatcher) {

    impl Internal of InternalTrait {
        fn check_caller_is_core(self: @ContractState) -> ICoreDispatcher {
            let core = self.core.read();
            assert(core.contract_address == get_caller_address(), 'CALLER_NOT_CORE');

        fn update_pool(ref self: ContractState, core: ICoreDispatcher, pool_key: PoolKey) {
            let state = self.pool_state.read(pool_key);

            let time = get_block_timestamp();
            let time_passed: u128 = (time - state.block_timestamp_last).into();

            if (time_passed.is_zero()) {
                return ();

            let price = core.get_pool_price(pool_key);

            let tick_cumulative_next = state.tick_cumulative_last
                + (price.tick * i129 { mag: time_passed, sign: false });

                    PoolState {
                        block_timestamp_last: time,
                        tick_cumulative_last: tick_cumulative_next,

    impl OracleImpl of IOracle<ContractState> {
        fn get_tick_cumulative(self: @ContractState, pool_key: PoolKey) -> i129 {
            let time = get_block_timestamp();
            let state = self.pool_state.read(pool_key);

            if (time == state.block_timestamp_last) {
            } else {
                let price = self.core.read().get_pool_price(pool_key);
                    + (price.tick * i129 {
                        mag: (time - state.block_timestamp_last).into(), sign: false

    impl OracleExtension of IExtension<ContractState> {
        fn before_initialize_pool(
            ref self: ContractState, caller: ContractAddress, pool_key: PoolKey, initial_tick: i129
        ) -> CallPoints {

                    PoolState {
                        block_timestamp_last: get_block_timestamp(),
                        tick_cumulative_last: Zeroable::zero(),

            CallPoints {
                after_initialize_pool: false,
                before_swap: true,
                after_swap: false,
                before_update_position: true,
                after_update_position: false,

        fn after_initialize_pool(
            ref self: ContractState, caller: ContractAddress, pool_key: PoolKey, initial_tick: i129
        ) {
            assert(false, 'NOT_USED');

        fn before_swap(
            ref self: ContractState,
            caller: ContractAddress,
            pool_key: PoolKey,
            params: SwapParameters
        ) {
            let core = self.check_caller_is_core();
            self.update_pool(core, pool_key);

        fn after_swap(
            ref self: ContractState,
            caller: ContractAddress,
            pool_key: PoolKey,
            params: SwapParameters,
            delta: Delta
        ) {
            assert(false, 'NOT_USED');

        fn before_update_position(
            ref self: ContractState,
            caller: ContractAddress,
            pool_key: PoolKey,
            params: UpdatePositionParameters
        ) {
            let core = self.check_caller_is_core();
            self.update_pool(core, pool_key);

        fn after_update_position(
            ref self: ContractState,
            caller: ContractAddress,
            pool_key: PoolKey,
            params: UpdatePositionParameters,
            delta: Delta
        ) {
            assert(false, 'NOT_USED');

Last updated